Senin, 08 Juni 2015

Lowongan Kerja PT Asuransi Sinar Mas 2015

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang asuransi kesehatan dan asuransi kecelakaan. Asuransi Sinar Mas atau ASM merupakan salah satu bagian atau anak usaha dari Sinarmas Group yang telah memiliki nama besar dihati masyarakat Indonesia untuk masalah investasi dan asuransi. PT ASM yang berdiri pada tanggal 27 Mei 1985 ini juga telah melebarkan sayap ke bisnis yang lain yaitu melalui penyewaan dan pembangunan property sebagai modal dan investasi bagi kalangan masyarakat yang telah memiliki dana. Sistem dan tata kelola perusahaan yang dilaksanakan pada PT Asuransi Sinarmas terus mengalami perubahan, hal ini dilakukan guna melakukan inovasi dan penggunaan berbagai teknologi modern guna mempermudah proses transaksi dan pemasaran produk dari perusahaan. Saat ini Asuransi Sinarmas telah memiliki beberapa produk diantaranya Simas Personal Accident, Group Personal Accident, Travel Insurance serta Simas Sehat Corporate. Secara berkala ASM juga rutin mengadakan berbagai rapat dan seminar untuk kalangan masyarakat umum yang terkait dengan masalah kesehatan, acara tersebut dilakukan melalui kerjasama dengan lemabaga-lembaga serta pakar kesehatan yang telah diakui oleh Kementerian Kesehatan.

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas tahun 2015 ini berharap dapat memperoleh laba perusahaan sebesar Rp 584,6 miliar, angka tersebut diperkirakan meningkat sebesar 12 persen jika dibandingkan dengan pendapatan tahun lalu. Asuransi Sinarmas kembali membuka pekerjaan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Posisi jabatan:
  1. Supervisor development program
  2. Admin
  3. Risk management
  4. Supervisor
  5. Human capital officer
  6. Internal audit
  7. Apoteker
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1 semua jurusan
  3. Ipk minimal 3,00
  4. Fresh graduate
  5. Komunikatif
  6. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  7. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  8. Memiliki wawasan yang luas
  9. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
jika anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas silahkan mendaftarkan diri anda.
untuk info lebih lanjut kunjungi :  http://w

Lowongan Kerja PT HM Sampoerna 2015

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk adalah salah satu perusahaan rokok kretek ternama di Indonesia yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1913. HM Sampoerna atau Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna merupakan wujud keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan yang dikelola serta telah memiliki nilai lebih di mata masyarakat Indonesia khususnya dalam mewujudkan sebuah industri yang sehat serta berdaya saing tinggi. PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk yang saham utamanya dimiliki oleh Philip Morris International ini juga berkomitmen penuh untuk selalu memberikan produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang baik kepada perokok dewasa. Saat ini HM Sampoerna telah memiliki beberapa produk rokok yang sudah beredar luas di Indonesia di Indonesia diantaranya Dji Sam Soe, Sampoerna Kretek, A Mild serta Marlboro. Sumber daya manusia yang handal dan berkompeten merupakan faktor pengungkit untuk keunggulan bersaing PT HM Sampoerna Tbk sehingga pengembangan kompetensi sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu faktor dari kunci keberhasilan untuk pencapaian visi dan misi perusahaan yang sehat, inovatif serta mampu menjalankan amanat perusahaan. HM Sampoerna juga aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan sosial seperti reboisasi, pemberian bantuan pada korban bencana alam serta peduli terhadap pendidikan melalui bantuan beasiswa kepada siswa dan siswi berprestasi.

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk sampai dengan pertengahan tahun 2015 ini berhasil membukukan laba bersih perusahaan sebesar Rp 3,2 triliun, hasil ini meningkat sebesar 29 persen jika dibandingkan dengan pendapatan tahun sebelumnya. PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna kembali membuka pekerjaan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Supervisor area marketing
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1 semua jurusan
  3. IPK minimal 2,75
  4. Berwawasan luas
  5. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  6. Memiliki banyak relasi
  7. Mampu bernegosiasi
  8. Komunikatif
  9. Mampu bekerja secara tim maupun individu
  10. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal MS Office
  11. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Alamat kantor:
PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
Kantor pusat
Jln Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53
One Pacific Place 16 - 20 Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta 12190
Keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan lihat:

Lowongan Kerja di Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia 2015

PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia atau CCAI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi distribusi produk-produk Coca Cola di Indonesia. PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia memiliki kontribusi besar terhadap keberhasilan penjualan produk Coca-Cola hal ini karena CCAI berperan terhadap proses pemasaran semua produk yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan. Saat ini Coca-Cola telah memiliki produk-produk terkemuka di Indonesia diantaranya Sprite, Fanta, Frestea, Ades, A&W serta Minute Maid Pulpy. Keberhasilan penjualan dan pemasaran produk Coca-Cola sangat bergantung pada PT CCAI hal ini karena perusahaan ini termasuk salah satu perusahaan yang langsung berhubungan dengan calon konsumen dari berbagai latar belakang yang berbeda atau sama dengan perusahaan hilir. PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia juga sangat peduli terhadap lingkungan, limbah pabrik dari perusahaan tidak dibuang sembarangan melainkan diolah kembali menjadi bahan yang tidak berbahaya serta tidak mencemari lingkungan, disini perseroan bekerja sebaik mungkin guna menciptakan kondisi lingkungan yang sehat, bersih, nyaman serta sesuai dengan kaidah yang telah ditetapkan oleh induk usahanya yaitu The Coca-Cola Company dan undang-undang tentang lingkungan.

PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) tahun 2015 ini kembali meresmikan 2 lini produksi yang berada di Cikedokan, Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Lini investasi tersebut berasal dari The Coca-Cola Company tersebut senilai 500 juta dolar. Coca-Cola Amatil kembali membuka lowongan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Posisi jabatan:
  1. Regional corporate affairs manager
  2. Solution delivery manager
  3. Sales representative
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3
  3. Ipk minimal 3,00
  4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  5. Usia tidak lebih dari 29 tahun
  6. Berkepribadian baik
  7. Berpenampilan menarik
  8. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  9. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia

PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia - CCAI
Kantor pusat
Wisma GKBI
Jln Jend Sudirman 28 Bendungan Hilir, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta 10210
untuk info lebih lajut silahkan kunjungi;

Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya


Lowongan Kerja PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya (UTR) - PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya merupakan sebuah perusahaan remanufacturing komponen-komponen alat berat yang berfungsi sebagai peremaja komponen-komponen alat berat menjadi komponen yang dapat digunakan kembali dengan kualitas setara dengan produk baru, sehingga membantu menekan biaya operasional pelanggan (dalam hal ini pengguna alat berat). PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya sebelumnya merupakan salah satu departemen divisi service PT United Tractors Tbk. dengan lokasi plant pertama (dan kedua) yang dibangun pada saat itu adalah plant Pekanbaru dan Jakarta. PT Universal Teknologi Reksajaya yang pada awalnya bernama UT Reman telah berdiri sejak Tahun 2006 dengan kebijakan utama berupa remanufacturing di bidang small dan medium machines.

Posisi Loker PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya (UTR) :


Description :

Melakukan aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja, Corporate Social Responsibility, dan General Affair.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/elektro/Alat Berat/Pemesinan Kapal/Lingkungan.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.
  • Tinggi Badan 160 cm dengan Berat Badan Proporsional.


Description :

Melakukan aktivitas yang terkait dengan legalitas perusahaan dan hubungan industrial.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/elektro/Alat Berat/Pemesinan Kapal.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.
  • Tinggi Badan 160 cm dengan Berat Badan Proporsional.


Description :

Mendiagnosa, menganalisa dan merekomendasikan proses bisnis di berbagai fungsi di perusahaan agar tercapai Operational Excellence.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • Minimal S1 Teknik Mesin/Elektro/Industri.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.
  • Tinggi Badan 160 cm dengan Berat Badan Proporsional.


Description :

Melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan maintenance pelanggan UTR yang dapat menjadi potensi penjualan komponen alat berat.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/elektro/Alat Berat/Pemesinan Kapal.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.
  • Tinggi Badan 160 cm dengan Berat Badan Proporsional.


Description :

Mendiagnosa, menganalisa dan merekomendasikan proses bisnis di berbagai fungsi di perusahaan agar tercapai Operational Excellence.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/elektro/Alat Berat/Pemesinan Kapal.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.
  • Tinggi Badan 160 cm dengan Berat Badan Proporsional.


Description :

Mengelola dan bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan monitoring & control terhadap inventory.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • memiliki loyalitas dan semangat berprestasi.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/elektro/Alat Berat/Pemesinan Kapal.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.


Description :

Melakukan Aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan: identifikasi, monitoring & closing transaksi, laporan keuangan, perpajakan dan stock taking aset.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • Minimal S1 Akutansi/ D3 Akutansi/ Perpajakan.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.
  • Tinggi Badan 160 cm dengan Berat Badan Proporsional.


Description :

Melakukan aktivitas supervisi, support & control di bidang adm., finance, accounting, GA, EHS, HR & IT, pada skala bisnis menengah ke atas.

Kualifikasi Umum :
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan Diseluruh Indonesia.
  • Lancar menggunakan computer (Minimal Ms.Word, Ms.Excell, Ms. Power Point.
  • Lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris.
  • memiliki loyalitas dan semangat berprestasi.
  • Berasal dari Universitas terkemuka dengan akreditas minimal B dan IPK minimum 3,00.
  • S1 Teknik Industri / D3 Akutansi.
  • Usia maksimum 26 Tahun.
Catatan : 
  • Lowongan PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya (UTR) ditutup pada tanggal : 20 Juni 2015
 Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya (UTR), Silahkan siapkan berkas Lamaran Kerja, CV beserta kelengkapannya Foto Terbaru kemudian kirim via
Email : (dengan mencantumkan kode posisi sebagai judul email:

Sumber :



LOWONGAN KERJA TRANS 7- Pada bulan juni 2015 TRANS 7 kembali membuka pelung untuk berkarir bagi putra putri terbaik.
Posisi Lowongan Kerja Trans7 :

Pendidikan D3

Pendidikan S1

Persyaratan Umum :
  • Pria atau wanita
  • Mampu bekerja secara tim
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Mampu berbahasa inggris
  • Siap bekerja shift
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  • Siap ditempatkan diseluruh stasiun transmisi
Catatan :
  • Lowongan Kerja Trans7 ditutup pada tanggal : 29 Juni 2015
Jika anda tertarik dengan lowongan kerja tersebut silah kan kirim surat lamaran anda ke:
Email : atau

*NB : 

  • Kirim CV dan foto terbaru (Max. 500KB).
  • Semua file harus dikompresi ke file zip.

Sumber :

Contact :
Departemen Marketing Public Relations
Menara Bank Mega, Lantai 7
Jln. Kapten P. Tendean Kav.12-14A
Jakarta 12790
Telepon: (021) 79187770 ext. 7223
Fax: (021) 79187685
Hotline: 0819 0819 8619
Email: (Max 3MB)
Website :

Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Comnets Plus

PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus, a prospective Telecommunication Company with a vision to be Leading provider of network-centric ICT solutions in Indonesia by utilizing unique strategic assets, is creating a Shared Serviced Center (SSC), an accountable entity within a multi-unit organization tasked with supplying the business unit, respective divisions and departments with specialized services.
Vacancy :
Account Manager (Sales Executive)
Job description:
• Managing accounts
• Achiveing sales target
• Maintaining and expanding relationship with customer
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field (preferably: Telecommunication, IT, Economic and Marketing).
• Age maximum 30 years old.
• At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position (from Telecommunication industry is advantage).
• Required skill(s): Presentations, Negotiation, Selling Skills.
• Active, attractive and have good communication skill.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Sales - Corporate or equivalent.
• Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia.
Market Research Officer
Job description:
• Setup a marketing intelligence tool to monitor activities and performance of competitors to enable Company to respond quickly to competitor's activities.
• Led a cross-fuctional exercise on segmentation, targeting and positioning to map out Indonesia telecommunication industry landscape and how company can benefit from its position as the newest challenger in the industry.
• Regular consultation session to discuss about Indonesia consumers' demands and expectation and how company can play role in fulfilling them.
• Present share update, summary and key take out of research that company had done. Contributing, presenting any evaluation from trends/consumers/tracking/analysis in any meeting and brainstorming.
• Launch new studies required by the team. Design research plan for the category. Researchs are related with new innovation, experience with different research methodologies (quantitative & qualitative).
• Provide insight related to customer purchase trend, economic situation and market trend.
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Telecommunication/Electrical/Information Technology), Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Marketing or equivalent.
• At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Required skill(s): market research, economics, market survey research, data analysis, telecommunication, Macro Economics.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Marketing/Business Development or equivalent.
• Full-Time position(s) available.
HR Planning Manager
Job description:
• Maximum 42 years old;
• Minimum bachelor degree in Business Administration, Management, Psychology, IT, Telecommunication (post-graduate degree preferred) with minimum 10 years experience in a Human Resource related function or 5 years in managerial level;
• Experience in Telecommunication organization is desirable;
• Excellent knowledge and deep experience in HR Recruitment, People Development and Carreer Management;
• Demonstrated competence in conceptual, analytical and problem solving;
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including interviewing, conselling, negotiating and report writing;
• Experience in the development and effective delivery/ facilitation of training programs to achieved specified learning outcomes;
• Well-developed computer literacy skills within a Microsoft Office environment.

Lowongan PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) - Management Trainee

PT Brantas Abipraya adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang konstruksi terutama bendungan dan konstruksi air lainnya. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada 12 November 1980 dan 100% dimiliki oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) merupakan perusahaan kontraktor BUMN yang sedang berkembang pesat, dengan core business proyek-proyek bidang ke-airan (Bendungan, Dam, Jaringan Irigasi, dll). Saat ini perusahaan sudah berekspansi menangani proyek-proyek diluar ke-airan, yaitu Jalan, Jembatan, Gedung, Darmaga, Bandara, Reklamasi dan lainnya. Wilayah kerja PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) tersebar diseluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Berdasarkan rating majalah Infobank (2014) PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) menempati urutan pertama di sektor konstruksi.
Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pegawai sesuai Rencana Kerja & Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) dan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP), Kami dari Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan Pegawai PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) membuka kesempatan untuk putra-putri terbaik bangsa agar dapat berperan serta aktif dalam pembangunan Indonesia dengan bergabung bersama kami, untuk menduduki posisi berikut:
MT (Management Trainee)
Menjalankan fungsinya sebagai seorang MT
Tahapan Seleksi:
1. Administrasi
2. TPA
3. Wawancara (Internal)
4. Psikotest
5. Medical Check Up
  • Level Karir :  Fresh Graduate
  • Usia Maksimal : 30 Tahun
  • Minimum IPK / Skala : 3 / 4
  • Prioritas Gender :  Laki-Laki
  • Tahun Pengalaman : 0 Tahun
  • Pendidikan :  Degree
  • Industri : Teknik - Bangunan, Sipil, Konstruksi / Survey Kuantitas
  • Fungsi Pekerjaan : Akunting, Manajemen, Operasional, Teknikal / Konsultasi Fungsional
  • Lokasi :  Seluruh Indonesia
  • Tipe Pekerjaan : Tetap
  • Tanggal Kadaluarsa :  15 Juni 2015
Bagi anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, silakan kirim lamaran anda melalui website Rekrutmen PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero).

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

lowongan PT Petrosea Tbk.

PT Petrosea Tbk. is a multi-disciplinary mining, infrastructure and oil & gas services Company with a track record of achievement in Indonesia since 1972. Drawing on rich and varied years of experience throughout the Indonesian archipelago, Petrosea is now recognized as one of Indonesia’s leading contractors.
We offer a competitive advantage through our ability to provide complete pit-to-port mining solutions, supported by integrated engineering and construction capabilities and logistic support, whilst demonstrating absolute commitment to health, safety & environment, quality management, and ethically code of business conduct. We also provide services for the oil and gas industry in Indonesia through our Petrosea Offshore Supply Base (POSB) deep-water supply base that consistently delivers international standard and cost-effective services to all of our clients. Together with its holding company, PT Indika Energy Tbk., Petrosea is able to provide complete business solutions in the energy supply chain.
We are currently taking applicants for the following position:
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Monitor and supervise site Earthworks activities to ensure such activities are conducted in a safe and timely manner conform with quality of work is of a standard that optimises availability.
1. Work flexible hours to accommodate job requirements
2. Min. Diploma degree with 5 years experiences in engineering area
3. Good analytical and supervisory skills
4. Good communication in English
5. Possess broad knowledge in Earthworks system
1. Exercise, direct, and ensure a safe work environment in the work area at all times; and ensure all store business work processes and activities are all done in safe works practices.
2. Develop and follow JSA’s for all tasks
3. Assist Project Engineer with the development of a work schedule including parts, materials and manpower to be incorporated in the short term detailed execution plans
4. Prepare and submit the regular report required by Project Controls to ensure report is submitted in timely manner.
5. Supervise Foremen activities to ensure work is technically correct and performed in a safe and cost effective manner
6. Examine and investigate all variances from target to avoid bigger lost in both cost and time consumed.
7. Monitor PM schedule implementation to ensure all PM scheduled work is completed in accordance with work instructions and schedules
8. Proactively identify defects and register them via work requests in order to have an appropriate and prompt action.
9. Diagnose failure symptoms and determine maintenance of Earthworks structures to effectively and efficiently rectify them
10. Develop and determine work procedure, work load balance , and also coordinate work unit with other unit.
11. Maintaining and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements.
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Maintain, monitor and review company’s daily operations and facilities to ensure employee safety are comply with safety, health and environmental regulations for specified facilities, operations and project.
1. Min. Diploma Degree in public occupational Health & Safety/Environment Engineer or Engineering Graduate/Bachelor
2. Minimal 2 years have experinces in HSE Field implementation at High risk industry
3. Will be prefered if understand of Mining Safety, Marine Safety and or Plant Safety
4. Hold AK3 certified from government (will be preferred if hold POP certificate)
5. Communicative and inovative
6. Able to conduct presentation
7. Willing to work at remote area
8. Willing to work extended hours to meet the objectives.
1. Prepare and present HSE training and HSE induction to enhance safety awareness among employees and clients.
2. Conduct inspections on statutory, fire and rescue equipment to ensure completeness and readiness for use.
3. Inspects project facilities, equipments, observe operations and activities in progress to ensure those are in compliance company’s safety regulations.
4. Coordinates and consults with project safety superintendent and/or project managers regarding HSE issues in their respective areas and notifies management staff regarding violation of safety regulations and codes to ensure that all safety defiance are proceed.
5. Support and assist safety audits, inspections and accident/incident investigations by observing employee activities and workplace conditions for submitting recommendations to management to correct deficiencies, eliminate hazards, and improve the overall program.
6. Socialise and record all Job Hazard Analysis, HAZOB, and co-ordinate Emergency Response Team training and activities for the Project.
7. Assist the Project Superintendent & Supervisors in conducting and reporting of all Hazards
8. Control and monitor the use of Hazardous or dangerous goods to ensure conformance with the MSDS (Material Safety Data System).
9. Monitor, review and participate in Pre-start meetings and Tool Box Meeting to update with current safety informations.
10. Support Environmental performance and maintain third party accreditation (ie. ISO 14001) and work effectively with certification body in order to preserve international standard accreditation.
11. Performing a strong visible commitment in to HSE Management System as well as all programs.
12. Implement and maintain HSE Management Plan, Emergency Response Plan, and other HSE document for the project.
13. Prepare and implement of Site Safety Activities
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Perform and responsible for Finance, Accounting and Cost Control function in order to produce timely and accurate financial information for project.
1. Min. Bachelor degree in Accounting
2. Min. 3 years experiences as Accountant
3. Attention to detail and accuracy essential
4. Good command in English
5. Good computer skill, especially in Excel program
6. Familiar with accounting system
7. Over time migth be required to meet report deadlines
8. Business travel and working for periods of time on Site Project might be required
1. Manage day to day F&A operations for projects – project reporting, analysis, forecasts, cash flow management, GL and Balance Sheet Management and Profit & Loss reconciliation and administration, especially with respect to:
2. Revenue and Production Data and Estimates (Including Rise and Fall)
3. Major Subcontractor and Supplier Cost Estimates
4. Backcharge to Client
5. Contingency – Risks and Opportunities
6. Other costs, plant rates, capital equipment
7. Ensure all Client and Subcontractors Invoices are issued and paid as per contract terms (including Backcharges)
8. Monitor the key contractual clauses – e.g. financial implications of damages, billing, other financial related clauses in the contract
9. Monitor the project risks and opportunities and be pro-active in risks mitigation and opportunity identification
10. Responsible for completion of F&A requirements for project including initial project set up, bank accounts, systems, taxation
11. Prepare Project Monthly Report/ Score Cards and Provide a financial and reporting service to project team members in respect to all financial and accounting matters (Actual Costs, revenues, forecasts, accruals, claims, cashflow – Including AR, Plant Charges)
12. Monitor and control the cash flow mechanism.
13. Manages the interface between the Project and Corporate F&A Function on all F&A aspects relating to:
14. Taxation
15. Transaction Processing (Payroll, Ledgers etc)
16. Treasury
17. Forex Management
18. Statutory Accounting Requirements
19. Management Internal Reporting Accounting
20. Maintain the project Commercial Control System, Electronic and Physical Records in order to be ready for audit at anytime.
21. Review and analyse system and work practices continuously in order to improve and/or develop the process and procedure becoming more efficient
22. Ensure all taxation are comply to Indonesian Tax Requirements
23. Prepare and control the Project CheckList Finance and Accounting
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Direct, control and coordinate the project management team in maintaining timely and effective change management processes, procedures and systems to ensure that all project management activities are well manage, conform with budget and company’s regulations and procedures.
1. Min. Bachelor degree in any diciplines
2. Min. 10 years experiences as cost controler, scheduller, project control
3. Fluent with project control programs such as PRISM, WBS, etc.
4. Strong leadership.
5. Analytical thinking.
1. Direct and monitor the Supervise Project Cost Engineer & Planner in the development of Project Budgets, Schedule and Estimates to ensure all project activities are well delivered, on schedule and conform with company’s procedures.
2. Monitor and coordinate the creation / modification of Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), and budget data (including resource loading) for those WBS elements in order to ensure budget conformity.
3. Monitor and analyse project schedule progress and performance in order to identifies developing problem areas.
4. Review and analyse critical path and restrains to determine the effect of change to the schedule.
5. Provide advise to top management of risks that may affect project profit, cost, schedules and client relations in order to develop and deliver the company’s further plan.
6. Coordinate and liase with construction project controls personnel in developing Project Controls Information (construction schedules, cost) in order to integrate data into the overall project cost & schedule reports.
7. Develop and maintain of any periodic (daily, weekly, monthly) status reports (include labour productivity, schedule status, financial analysis, Cost Performance Reports (CPR) and earned value curves reports on either direct or indirect engineering/construction activities) in order to keep management and/or owner informed on the project progress.
8. Lead, coach and manage subordinate including recruitment and provide a proper development plan for them in order to maintain subordinate in attract, motive and retain.
9. Maintain and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements.
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Provide efficient secretarial and administration assistance to project in order to support project with administrative matters and participate in contribute the success of project function.
1. Willing to work extend hours due to project requirements
2. Min. Diploma degree (preferable in Administration / Secretary)
3. Min. 2 year experience in secretarial duties
4. Computer literate
5. Fluent in English (Verbal and Written)
1. Develop and maintain hard copy and electronic filing system as well as document confidentiality to provide administration support in accordance with Petrosea procedures.
2. Organize and manage meetings or project events and take minutes at those meetings to ensure meeting efficiency.
3. Prepare correspondence, reports, and materials for publications / reports and presentations to ensure all publications / reports and presentations materials are complete and ready to use.
4. Organize and schedule arrangements for manager, including air travel and expences claim reimbursment to provide secretarial assistance.
5. Present general clerical duties to include but not limited to: photocopying, faxing, mailing and maintain stationary supply in order to provide administration assistance.
6. Monitor and maintain office area in order to keep office area clean and tidy
7. Perform other duties as per request to support and assist Project Manager in administration matters.
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Carry out QA/QC function including develop and maintain Project Management System, coordinate and conduct subcontractor inspection, vendor inspection and sites inspection.
1. Min bachelor degree in any majors, preferably in engineering
2. Min 5 (five) years experience of related experience
3. Good knowledge on Quality Management Tools (e.g. TQM, QCC, SPC, Balance Scorecard, etc.) and disseminate through Project Quality Management System.
4. Broad understanding of all Engineering & Construction disciplines (Civil, Electrical, Piping, Structural, Mechanical, etc.)
5. Good communication in both English and Bahasa (verbal and written)
6. Work Flexible hours to accommodate job requirements
7. Required to work overtime on a regular basis
1. Understand, follow and continually improve Project Quality Management System, Project Quality Plan (PQP) and other Quality documentation
2. Plan and monitor the implementation of E&C projects inspections and tests required
3. Assist Project Quality Manager or Project Manager in the implementation of internal quality audit program to the projects and functions to ensure the quality adherence.
4. Monitor and advise on the performance of the projects quality management system, produces data and report on performance, measuring against set indicators in order to meet KPIs.
5. Issue quality report for internal and external purpose in order to ensure accurate and reliable report in timely manner
6. Maintaining and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Monitor and supervise site rigging/scaffolding activities to ensure rigging/scaffolding activities are conducted in a safe and timely manner conform with best possible quality of work.
1. Work flexible hours to accommodate job requirements
2. Min. 4 years experiences in area
3. Good analytical and supervisory skills
4. Good communication in English
1. Assist Construction Manager with the development of a work schedule including manage scaffolding materials, equipment, tools and manpower
2. Supervise Rigging/Scaffolding Foremen activities to ensure work is technically correct and performed in a safe and cost effective manner
3. Develop JSA’s with effective hazard controls such that work progresses without incident
4. Proactively identify defects and register them via work requests in order to have an appropriate and prompt action.
5. Lead site rigging/scaffolding teams in their work and manage them safely
6. Maintaining and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements
7. Communicate and Monitor safety procedures implementation in work environment and process in order to maintain safety awareness at all times and adhere to Petrosea guidelines and regulations in this respect
8. Check and correct problems that are not immediately evident in existing systems or process
9. Plans,schedule, execute and evaluate the day to day objectives based on planning
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Leadership of the surveying staff and resources to provide operations with adequate survey control to implement mine designs and to reconcile material handling for monitoring recovery, productivity and submission of progress claims.
1. May be required to work flexible hours to suit Project requirements
2. Min. 3-4 years experiences as a surveyor
3. able to operate mining survey equipment
4. May be required to work flexible hours to suit Project requirements
5. Good communication skill
6. Willing to be placed in all project
1. Leads the development, implementation and continuous improvement of a set of standard procedures and systems for survey data collection, handling and data base maintenance.
2. Ensure that the integrity, clarity and thoroughness of the information that is collected and produced by the survey function is of a high standard.
3. Responsible for the timeliness and accuracy of field survey work and calculations necessary for submission of monthly progress claims
4. Work closely with both mining engineering and operations to provide an effective link between mine design and its implementation in the field.
5. Maintain a strong capability in the mine planning software and ensure that staff are similarly up to date with their skills.
6. Coach and mentor Surveyors and Mining Engineers to ensure that they understand the survey control requirements for managing the technical implications within contracts.
7. Participate in Production and Technical meetings both internally or externally.
8. Contribute to the compilation of tenders by providing Mine planning and design support needed by the Senior Estimator
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Responsible to maintain and and preserve all materials in store in good condition.
1. Minimum education is high school graduate
2. Experienced 3 years in Mining Warehouse and Logistic and Procurement operation
3. Able to work under high pressure
4. Excellent communication skills and team work
5. Understand basic concept of warehouse and inventory management
1. Documentation of inventory stock in order to acquaint about all materials in store
2. Receive and sent goods and ensure compliance to PO value and quantity
3. Completed all received and send materials records documents
4. Accurate records are kept relating to materials movement and that adequate stock levels are maintained to meet operational needs
5. Help in others store administratial task
(Assignment: Kalimantan Tengah)
Conducts ocular inspections of proposed plant site to plant the optimum design of proposed construction.
1. May be required to work flexible hours to suit Project requirements
2. Min. 2 years experiences as a surveyor
3. Min Diploma Degree in Engineering
4. Able to operate survey equipment
5. May be required to work flexible hours to suit Project requirements
6. Good communication skill
7. Willing to be placed in all project
1. Collect and develop survey data and maintain the database to ensure the accordance with the set of standard procedures and systems.
2. Conduct field surveys in good time and accurately determine quantities necessary for the submission of monthly progress claims
3. Collect acurate daily survey and download data into the computer to ensure datas are interpreted accurately by the Survey Draftsman.
4. Coordinate and liase with Engineering & Constructions Team to ensure that construction designs are being properly implemented in the field.
5. Use and maintain survey software in order to ensure efficiency in survey activities.
6. Coach and mentor Survey Assistant and provide them with skills in order to collect the survey pick-ups in the absence of a Surveyor.
Please send detailed resume including recent photograph, to show your interest for this position, and quoting in email to in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a file size not more than 350kb, not later than 8 June 2015.

Lowongan SUZUKI

Suzuki Indonesia 
Suzuki Indonesia merupakan kelompok usaha yang bergerak dibidang industri otomotif yang memproduksi, memasarkan, memperniagakan motor, mobil dan motor tempel (outboard-motor). Hal tersebut juga diidukung dengan pelayanan purna jual suku cadang serta perbaikan/pemeliharaan di seluruh Indonesia yang solid dan terintegrasi dalam melayani para pelanggan Suzuki.
Suzuki Indonesia telah memberikan kontribusi untuk bangsa dan masyarakat dengan memberikan produk-produk bermanfaat bagi perkembangan bangsa. Pelayanan profesional dibidang pemasaran produk dan jasa pelayanan juga menjadi komitmen utama kami untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi para pelanggan setia Suzuki. Saling percaya dan menghormati merupakan nilai yang kami tanam dalam setiap kerja sama yang dijalani antara karyawan, pemasok, dealer-dealer diseluruh Indonesia.
Lowongan :
Code : SLA008
Job Name :  Sales Force Development Program (SFDP)
Role Sales Force Development Program
Requirements :
- Usia maksimal 27 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum DIPLOMA
- Memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi
- Enerjik, menyenangi tantangan
- Berorientasi pada target
- Tertarik dengan bidang otomotif dan sales
- Bersedia di tempatkan di JABODETABEK

LOwongan Kerja BNPB


Badan  Nasional  Penanggulangan  Bencana  (BNPB)  membuka kesempatan  kepada Warga   Negara   Indonesia   menjadi   Fasilitator   Desa   Tangguh   Bencana   Kegiatan Fasilitasi  dan Pengembangan  Ketangguhan  Masyarakat  Tahun  2015.

Syarat  dan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

1.  Persyaratan pelamar:
  • Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) 
  • Berusia minimal 20 tahun dan maksimum 50 tahun pada tanggal 07 Juni 2015 
  • Pendidikan minimal D3, diutamakan S1 
  • Berpengalaman dalam program pemberdayaan/pendampingan masyarakat minimal 5 (lima) tahun untuk D3, dan 3 (tiga) tahun untuk S1 
  • Tidak berstatus sebagai PNS/TNI/Polri
  • Tergabung dalam LSM/organisasi kemanusiaan nasional/internasional
  • Tidak sedang terikat kontrak proyek/program lain
  • Sehat jasmani rohani
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan RI
  • Dapat  mengoperasikan  komputer  minimal  Ms.  Word  dan  Excel  serta internet
  • Diutamakan yang berdomisili di wilayah kabupaten/kota/provinsi pelaksana desa tangguh
2.  Pendaftaran: Pendaftaran   dilakukan   melalui   email   dengan subjek  email: [nama_lengkap], [kabupaten/kota_domisili], [provinsi_domisili], [pendidikan]

Contoh: Angela Rumansara, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat, S1

Email diterima oleh panitia paling lambat pada tanggal 7 Juni 2015 dengan melampirkan semua file (disatukan dalam bentuk zip/rar) :
  • Surat lamaran
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) disertai dengan pas foto terbaru 
  • Scan KTP
  • Scan NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) 
  • Scan ijazah terakhir 
  • Sertifikat/keterangan pengalaman dari instansi pemberi kerja.
  • Surat        Rekomendasi       dari       pimpinan       LSM/organisasi       kemanusiaan nasional/internasional 
  • Surat  Pernyataan  tidak  sedang  terikat  kontrak  proyek/program  dengan pihak/lembaga lain 
  • Surat Pernyataan bersedia tinggal di desa lokasi kegiatan 
  • Mengisi Form narasi strategi pendampingan masyarakat
Lampiran 1:  Kerangka Acuan Kegiatan
Lampiran 2:  Form CV
Lampiran 3:  Form narasi strategi pendampingan masyarakat
Lampiran 4:  Surat Pernyataan

Download Pengumuman Lengkap

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Lwongan PT PERTAMINA GAS (Persero) JUNI 2015

PT Pertamina Gas is a company who has focus in midstream sector and downstream of gas industry in Indonesia. This company was a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) which has a role in gas trading, gas transportation, gas process and gas distribution and other business who has related with natural gas and their inheritance products.

PT Pertamina Gas start to operate in February 23 2007. This is the starting point of an answer for UU No. 22 / 2001 and also to increase demand of gas commodity in Indonesia as an environmentally safe energy alternative to replace fuel oil. To increase of value added in gas market is also one of the objectives.

This effort will provide value-added to gas business. Pertamina’s competence and 30 years experiences in managing the gas business stimulated for establishment of a separate focus and professional company. Pertamina Gas rely on the existing resources, assets and business networks to develop business in line with Good Corporate Governance’s values.

PT Pertamina Gas has strong business support from its holding, PT Pertamina (Persero) and from the other affiliates. That collaboration generate strong synergy in the oil and gas business. In terms of trading, PT Pertamina Gas has total reserves 10,4 TCF beside managing the gas transmission infrastructure in West Java, East Java, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, Aceh and East Kalimantan.

Other strengths, PT Pertamina Gas has 2.335 MMSCFD captive markets (committed volume: 1.405 MMSCFD) in Northern Sumatra (SBU), Southern Sumatera (SBS) and Western Java (JBB). PT Pertamina Gas will also maintains business climate and conducive situation under coordination of BPMIGAS (Upstream Oil and Gas Supervisory Agency), BPHMIGAS as regulator and with some state-owned enterprises as the largest gas consumer.

PT Pertamina Gas has many business opportunity in the future with seeing limited current gas supplies, uncommitted gas demand reached 250 BSCF per year since 2007 and 45% national gas demand growth in last year. Accordingly, the Indonesian government has produced a blueprint for the national gas pipeline network known as the Integrated Indonesia Gas Pipeline. One of the segment, Semarang-Gresik will be built by Pertamina Gas. Business prospects of derivative gas, petrochemical and electrical power are also very promising in the coming years.


Analyst Asset Optimization & Utilization ( 008 - PTG )

Job Description
To analyze, review, and ensure the activities related to company’s asset utilization and optimization process run effectively, giving added value and maximizing company’s revenue

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in any Engineering major
2. Have minimum 5 years related experience in gas transportation operation
3. Have knowledge of gas transportation business process and its related applied regulation
4. Computer literacy

Analyst Health & Safety ( 010 - PTG )

Job Description
- To conduct Health and Safety inspections and audits to ensure the compliance and implementation of all safety regulations
- To implement effective health and safety campaign program within the company
- To ensure all companys health and safety programs are well communicated on systematic reporting system to all related parties

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in any engineering major
2. Have minimal 5 years related experience in health and safety field; preferably from oil & gas industry
3. Have related certification in health and safety field and knowledge of ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, and ISRS7
4. Have good exposure as HSE auditor

Analyst Planning Budgeting & Evaluation ( 007 - PTG )

Job Description
To plan, formulate, monitor, and analyze activities related to operational and investment cost allocation to support the achievement of targeted revenues

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in any Engineering major
2. Have minimum 5 years related experience on handling companys operating and investment budget; preferably from oil & gas industry
3. Have knowledge of gas transportation business process
4. Computer literacy

Legal Counsel Business Support ( 011 - PTG )

Job Description
To provide, coordinate, and evaluate legal services which are include but not limited to prepare and evaluate proposed business contract and legal documents, provide legal advice and consideration, prepare company’s strandard of routine contract, and control legal contract documentation, to support the company business operates within the law

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in Law
2. Have minimal 5 years of working experience in the legal/ related field
3. Have good understanding of laws and regulations related to business activities in oil, gas and its derivatives transportation, sales, trading, including procurement activities of related goods and services
4. Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Senior Analyst Product Management ( 002 - PTG )

Job Description
- To evaluate the effectiveness of gas supply study and ensure the study resulting the most update data about potential gas supply for LPG and LNG processing and its market demand
- To conduct market analysis study of gas processing products and its derivatives
- To analyze and evaluate costs, revenues, and formulated strategies of processing gas sales and purchases
- To prepare the concept of gas sales agreement with competitive gas pricing and clear mutual benefits
- To build network with industries for potential large scale sales of LNG as an alternative fuel

Job Requirement
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelors Degree in Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Gas Management) or equivalent
- At least 5 years of working experiences in the related field is required
- Having good communication and good negotiation skill
- Having strong knowledge of gas business and industry in Indonesia

Senior Analyst - Finance ( 005 - PTG )

Job Description
To ensure the financial transaction process including accounts payable, expense reimbursement, taxes, accounting, and reporting run effectively in accordance with applied policies and procedures

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in Accounting
2. Have minimum 5 years related experience in cash management and taxes implementation
3. Have good understanding of tax and accounting concept and implementation; preferably have supported certification
4. Computer literacy

Senior Analyst - Human Resources ( 009 - PTG )

Job Description
- To develop, advise, and implement policies relating to the effective use of personnel within the company
- To ensure the human resources activity run effectively and giving added value to company and its employee

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in any major; preferably law or industrial engineering
2. Have minimum 5 years related experience in wide range of human resources activities/ generalist
3. Have good understanding of Indonesian labor regulations
4. Computer literacy

Senior Analyst Risk Management ( 001 - PTG )

Job Description
- To evaluate and giving recommendation for all business portfolio risks
- To maintain database and any supporting information for risk analysis needs
- To coordinate the process of risk assessment, treatment, and portfolio risk monitoring
- To evaluate the effectiveness of implemented recommendations for portfolio risk management

Job Requirement
- Having min. Bachelor degree or equivalent preferably in mechanical or chemical engineering
- Having min. 5 years experiences in area of risk management preferably with supporting professional certification (CHRP/CHRO)
- Having experience in running technical project risk management

Senior Officer - Project Management ( 004 - PTG )

Job Description
- To ensure the gas and infrastructure project run in accordance with agreed contracts, project objectives, and HSE aspects by providing administrative and operational support
- To effectively manage resources needed on project execution

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in any Engineering major
2. Have minimum 10 years related experience in medium to high scale gas and infrastructure projects
3. Have deep understanding of project management methods and principles; preferably have certification in Project Management and Risk Management

Specialist Design Integration ( 006 - PTG )

Job Description
- To prepare Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) documents for auction basis and detailed cost estimation
- To prepare the standard of project specification which include the projects basic concept, philosophy, safety aspects, operation, and maintenance.
- To maintain engineering data bank, price list, standard, unit pricing guidelines, and other related sources
- To prepare documents for cost estimation, auction, design/ drawings, and administrative
- To integrate result of project engineering activity series which include design and pre-project cost estimation, for pre feasibility studys data source

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in any Engineering major
2. Have minimum 5 years related experience in oil & gas project with exposure on planning, scheduling, and reporting
3. Have general technical knowledge in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, instrument engineering, cost estimation, and procurement
4. Have proficiency on using supporting software i.e. autocad, microsoft project, microsoft office

Officer - Supply Chain Management ( 012 - PTG )

Job Description
To develop, implement, monitor, and coordinate procurement activities in accordance with applied regulation and Good Corporate Government (GCG) principles, which include but not limited to analyzing needs of goods and services, matching needs to supply capabilities, negotiating and managing contracts, and developing suppliers/ vendor database

Job Requirement
1. Bachelors degree in economic, law, or engineering (industry, chemical, civil, and mechanical)
2. Have minimal 5 years working experience in the field of supply chain management/ procurement
3. Have related certification in purchasing or procurement will be preferable (CPM, Government Goods/Services Procurement Expert Certification)
4. Strong sense of personal integrity and dependability

Please submit your application at Pertamina's website.

closing date : 05 Juni 2015.

PT Pertamina (Persero) and its subsidiaries will only process shortlisted applicants whom meet to our standards and qualifications for the position.

PT Pertamina (Persero) and its subsidiaries do not solicit payments from job seekers or payments for fees, work permits or the like. Any requests for such payments should be regarded as fraudulent. If you receive a genuine offer of a job with us, whether the offer is made directly by us or through an agency, you will not be required to pay any money towards administration fees.